Zombie units hunger after and attack the nearest non-Zombie unit any units they slay succumb to the infection and respawn as Zombies themselves. The Dead Don’t Rest: Every unit has a chance to respawn as a ravenous Zombie when it dies.In this optional game mode, the dead don’t stay dead for long and present an ever-growing threat to the world’s civilizations. The Portugal pack also introduces the new Zombies Defense game mode. Sending a Trade Route to a city with a Feitoria provides Portugal with additional Gold and Production. The Feitoria can only be built by a Nau unit on a foreign city’s coastal tile next to a luxury or bonus resource.It also increases a city’s Science yields for every two coastal or lake tiles within the city’s borders and grants additional Great Admiral points. Portugal’s unique building, the Navigation School, replaces the University building and increases Production toward naval units in each city that builds it.Unique Infrastructure: Portugal has access to two unique structures.
#Civilization vi dlc free
It starts with one free Promotion, requires less maintenance than the Caravel, and has two charges to build Feitorias, special shipping ports unique to Portugal.

Includes the Portugal civilization with João III, the Nau unique unit, and two unique structures, the Navigation School building and the Feitoria.

This new content pack introduces João III as the leader of Portugal.